People born in Heisei 6 are 31 years old.

Heisei (平成) is the current era in Japan. It started on Jan 8th, 1989, following the death of the Emperor Shōwa. You can read more on Wikipedia or keep browsing on this site with the following links.

Quick Year & Age Chart

Year Local Year Age Sexagenary Cycle Chinese Zodiac
1989Heisei 136miSnake
1990Heisei 235umaHorse
1991Heisei 334hitsujiGoat
1992Heisei 433saruMonkey
1993Heisei 532toriRooster
1994Heisei 631inuDog
1995Heisei 730iPig
1996Heisei 829neRat
1997Heisei 928ushiOx
1998Heisei 1027toraTiger