People born in Shōwa 50 are 50 years old.

Shōwa (昭和) was the era before Heisei (平成). It started on Dec 25th, 1926, following the death of the Emperor Taisho. You can read more on Wikipedia or keep browsing on this site with the following links.

Quick Year & Age Chart

Year Local Year Age Sexagenary Cycle Chinese Zodiac
1970Shōwa 4555inuDog
1971Shōwa 4654iPig
1972Shōwa 4753neRat
1973Shōwa 4852ushiOx
1974Shōwa 4951toraTiger
1975Shōwa 5050uRabbit
1976Shōwa 5149tatsuDragon
1977Shōwa 5248miSnake
1978Shōwa 5347umaHorse
1979Shōwa 5446hitsujiGoat